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Pavel Rodkin. Metamodern Attraction. Art, Architecture, Design, Cinema, Politics

Metamodern attraction. Art, Architecture, Design, Cinema, Politics

Rodkin, P. (2021). Metamodern Attraction. Art, Architecture, Design, Cinema, Politics. Moscow: Sovpadenie. 416 p. (In Russ.). [Rod'kin, P. (2021). Metamodernistskij attrakcion. Iskusstvo, arhitektura, dizajn, kino, politika. Moskva: Sovpadenie.].

The research is devoted to a wide range of problems of culture, art, architecture, cinema, design and political representation of modernism, postmodernism and metamodernism, considered as actual realities of modernity. The mosaic and collision of these "attractions" becomes a space for analyzing and modeling the new cultural situation of the XXI century.

Language: Russian

Design: Pavel Rodkin

Paperback: 416 pages

Size: 145x205 mm.

ISBN 9785903060054

© Rodkin, P., 2021

© Publishing house "Sovpadenie", 2021


Metamodernism and the non-existent

Devoted revolution: Reflections on the portrait of Trotsky

Committed democracy: Reflections on the Obama portrait

Culture for all

Comedian by Maurizio Cattelan: the Political economy of difficulty

Emancipation of an art object

The binary opposition of metasternite

Performance and text: Lessons from the "Voina" art-band

Cinema: Additions to the metamodernist structure of feeling

Premetamodernism and the problem of style

Metamodernism and COVID-19

"Racist Fish": The fragility of power cities

Patrick Schumacher's parametric paradise

The Design Problem: Impossible shapes of the future

Supplement: Alternative value orientations of modernism, postmodernism and metamodernism



Metamodern attraction

Pavel Rodkin's book on metamodernism is published exactly ten years after the introduction of the essay "Notes on Metamodernism" by Robin van den Acker and Timothy Vermeulen, which was written for this still hypothetical paradigm. During this time, metamodernism, it seems, has not managed to develop into a new international style — if something like this is now even possible-but now hardly anyone will argue that postmodernism, which is supposed to be replaced by metamodernism, has finally reached a dead end. The way out of this impasse, as Rodkin unobtrusively but insistently makes clear in his work, lies exclusively in the sphere of practice — it is also the criterion of truth, no matter how banal it may sound in the era of post-truth. The analysis of new practices in various cultural forms undertaken in the book shows that what they have in common is rather not a stylistic unity, but a semantic unity — the desire to overcome the state of the end of history, which is fundamental for postmodern thinking. In this sense, the release of the book on metamodernism looks like a timely reminder that the future is still not a foregone conclusion.

Nikolay Protsenko

The metamodern died without being born. It has crumbled into thousands of program fragments that recognize themselves in the network of mutual winks, but are in no hurry to assemble. The world, which received nothing in return, turned out to be a form of this failure, which is clearly evidenced by the Covid epidemic, that mass movements for the resignation of anyone: what comes, has forgotten how to leave, what began — has not learned to end. In this new world of failed metamodern, action is equal to reaction. Everything that was promised "post-post "and" meta-meta "turned out to be completely "different", in which the assembly principle is not a modernist lie, not a postmodern pastiche, but a metamodern attraction. Political designer Pavel Rodkin offers you a ticket to a session of his exposure.

Vyacheslav Danilov


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Rodkin's monographs